TeamUSA Faculty Accomplishments in Team-Based Learning Research and Innovation

2019年4月22日,Julie Estis博士发布.D., CCC-SLP
Julie Estis, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

十大彩票网投平台 Faculty at Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference data-lightbox='featured'
Dr. Drew Lewis, Dr. Katie Guffey, Dr. David Wiliams, Dr. Julie Estis, Dr. Lauren Brannan, Dr. 克里斯托弗·帕里什博士. Ron Styron (Dr. 菲尔·卡尔(照片中没有)出席 在佛罗里达州坦帕市举行的2019年团队学习协作会议上.

今年3月,来自世界各地的教师和领导人齐聚塔塔mpa, FL for 基于团队的学习协作会议. 今年,会议集中在 以“通过TBL引领变革”为主题.“鉴于我们实施的经验 and assessing TBL on a large scale, we were well-positioned to contribute to the program. Ron Styron (previous QEP director) and Julie Estis (current QEP director) were invited to present a pre-conference workshop on “Leading Change Initiatives,” with our TeamUSA QEP 突出显示为示例.



- Drew Lewis completed the TBLC Trainer-Consultant program and received the Best Poster 会议奖项.

- Shenghua Wu, Shenghua Zha, and Julie Estis received 1 of 3 TBLC grants for their project, “Integrating Team-based Learning in Improving Technical Writing Skill for STEM Students.”


Please join me in congratulating the following faculty who presented (listed in order 会议日程):

- Ron Styron and Julie Estis: Leading Change Initiatives (Workshop and Panel Discussion)

- Drew Lewis: Standards Based and Specifications Grading: Shifting Student Focus from 学习心得(工作坊)            

- Julie Estis: Evaluating Multiple Choice Questions (Fundamentals workshop with fellow 培训师兼顾问,卡拉·库比茨)

- Christopher Parrish,  David Williams, and  Julie Estis: Leveraging Synchronous Engagement 集成在线模型中的异步灵活性(研讨会)

- Phil Carr and  Julie Estis: How to Implement TBL in Social Science General Education: Practical Considerations and Reflections (Oral presentation with  Amanda Rees)

- Drew Lewis and  Julie Estis: Developing Flexible Problem Solving Skills in Math 团队探究学习课程(*最佳海报奖)

- Lauren Brannan and  Hannah Szatkowski: The Effects of Team-Based Learning on Preservice 小学教师识字教学效能感之研究

- Katie Guffey,  Christopher Parrish,  David Williams, and  Julie Estis: Two Birds with One Stone: Examining Students’ and Instructors’ Perceptions of TBL Across Face-to-Face and Online Courses

- Phil Carr,  Julie Estis, and  Amanda Rees: Outcomes of TBL Implementation in General 社会科学课程

- Ron Styron: From Theory to Practice: Implementing 4-S Application Activities and High-level Discussion to Support Leadership Development and the Dissertation in Practice Process

- Julie Estis: Leading Change in Teaching Culture through Team-Based Learning (Workshop)

Lauren Brannan serves as the elected K-12 Member-at-Large, and I serve as the Health TBLC指导委员会的普通科学成员. 会议和计划后 with our Steering Committee colleagues, we are excited about the goal to increase member engagement over the next two years by increasing available resources and materials, encouraging committee involvement, and providing ongoing support for those implementing and researching TBL. 如果您有兴趣加入,请通过电子邮件与我联系 在我们的机构成员率下的TBLC. 


For a broader perspective, here is a summary of our overall research accomplishments 与TeamUSA QEP相关的:

Since our QEP began, faculty research on teaching experiences and effectiveness of TBL的发展远远超出了预期. 教师们提供了33份同行评议的报告 at disciplinary conferences such as the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Conference, Society for American Archaeology, Association of American Colleges and Universities General 教育与评估会议,美国地理学家协会, & Math Fest. TeamUSA faculty have conducted 24 peer-reviewed presentations at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference. 支持这项工作的内部和外部资金已经增加. An internal grant program, “Enhancing Scholarship of Team-Based Learning Pedagogy” was established in Year 4 and resulted in $15,750 of funding to support seven faculty-led research projects in areas such as Science Education, Archaeology, Nursing, Communication Sciences 障碍、外语和咨询. 此外,六名TeamUSA教师参加了比赛 advantage of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning support funds offered by our Innovation in Learning Center. Two faculty received $5,000 grants from the American Speech-Language-Hearing-Association to 支持他们使用和研究TBL. 已经提交了额外的外部赠款 有4个资助项目,3个未资助项目,3个正在审查中. To date, seven scholarly works related to the QEP have been published, with several additional 正在审阅的论文. Overall, research resulting from the QEP boosts individual faculty success, informs the literature on TBL, and raises our institutional research profile.

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